Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yarn Along...2nd Wed in August

Joining Ginny's Yarn Along today...
Crochet Project
Drawer Organizer
I am up to the 4th side of the Drawer Organizer that I started in July.  I am looking forward to putting this to good use :)
A vest for Joaquin
I started knitting this back in February and for the last two months it has been sitting on my big desk waiting for me to finish it.  I haven't been able to...very intimidated by the neck and arm hole finishing.  I hope posting it today will be the kick in the pants I need to finish it by next week (before he outgrows it).  It's from a Debbie Bliss knitting book, can't find it now but will post later.

I haven't done much reading because I've been sick and when my head is muzzy, I don't like to read.  I am half-way through the Keith Richards bio and it's an OK read.  Not riveting, but I am interested in his outlook and thought processes as his life has been so radically different than mine or anyone I know.  There was a nice article in the Oprah magazine about vegetarian dinners.  And the California Home Landscaping book is on loan from my horse trainer and has great garden plans that are inspiring. 


  1. i like the way you think. you have lots of interests and things that are exciting to you. i am the same, while i often feel scattered over it all, i really can't be any other way! lol


  2. i love the color work on your vest. That's one thing I haven't tried yet in knitting. Looking forward to visiting you again
