Friday, November 16, 2012

Peevishness versus Gratitude

Why do I choose petulance and peevishness over gratitude?  Last night, I read Katie's blog and felt so sad for all those hungry people.  I felt defeated and terribly sad.  Sad for myself and my family because I have been unable (unwilling?) to feel happy and grateful when I am so blessed.  What am I afraid of?  My thoughts and actions are making a horrible noise to our Creator.  Praying about it and wishing it would go away has been going on for a couple of years and hasn't yet worked.  Hmmm.  Perhaps I actually have to DO SOMETHING?  Disgusted with myself for returning again and again to my list of grievances today, knowing I am offending God, I desperately decided that I would take pictures of the abundance and beauty that fills my days and I would start a daily practice of READING and writing in a journal until I break this ugly cycle of petulance and create a grateful heart.

The photos are of bounty from our garden, raspberries that were on sale, our goat "Mocha" who entertains us daily along with her sister, "Latte" (not pictured), and the beauty around our home.  I'm off to start reading and writing...wish me luck!

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